[        PEACE.        DIGNITY.        EQUALITY.        ]

United Nations Global Occult Coalition

The Fivefold Mission

First Mission: Survival.

The Global Occult Coalition shall hold the survival of the human race against all threats paranormal, parascientific, and paratemporal as their highest mission, superseding all others.

Second Mission: Concealment

As knowledge of parathreats would result in mass panic and heavy casualties among the human population, the Global Occult Coalition shall conceal the existence of said parathreats from the general public.

Third Mission: Protection

Although considered expendable if necessary in pursuit of the First Mission, individual human beings (including operatives of the GOC) shall be protected whenever possible.

Fourth Mission: Destruction

As the existence of parathreats is in itself anathema to the survival of the human race, no unnecessary risks are to be taken to ensure the survival of parathreats.

Fifth Mission: Education

The Global Occult Coalition shall make every effort to expand the base of knowledge regarding parathreats.



The offensive arm of the GOC. Tasked with observing, investigating, capturing and terminating Threat Entities.

The diplomatic arm of the GOC. Tasked with liaising with the anomalous community and maintaining peace between humanity and the occult.


The support arm of the GOC. Tasked with R&D, and logistical support and information concealment.


The GOC's intelligence arm. Spearheads information-gathering and proactive initiatives against a variety of different unseen threats, either political or paranatural.


The GOC's emergency arm. Mostly dormant during normal operations and activated during eschatological events. 


A collection of all official documents relating to the GOC.